If the answer is no or if you are unsure, we are here to supply you with robust and sustainable marketing solutions & strategies that meet your prospects and help you create an easy to find and engaging experiences that inspire action, from joining your social network community, buying your products, to referring your brand to peers & social networks.
Social media activation is a creative approach to how we bring experiences to our target audience and bring our target audience into our experiences. In today's digital age, marketers must move beyond the traditional approaches and create a valuable and customized social media experience that will engage a brand's key constituents and build long-lasting relationships.
We show you how to use social media effectively, through building a rich brand experience for the target audience, develop a fluid model for content distribution, create new opportunities through partnerships and sustain & enhance engagement over time.
Digital-Edge has a team of dedicated mobile and web developers and experts in delivering internet-based development projects.
We specialize in the development of online applications, large-scale sites to smaller application & websites and e-commerce stores.
Whatever project you have in mind, we offer a personalized online development service from the inception of an idea to actualization and support thereafter.
Our customer journey solution enables you to choreograph every interaction your customer relationship professionals have with your customers and supplier stakeholders. You can also track your customer's progress through the evaluation, selection, purchasing and on-boarding steps of their journey with you. By automating these customer journey mapping processes through Digital-Edge deploying, you ensure everyone is informed about actions to take along the way.
The results: you accelerate customer's progress, deliver improved satisfaction and enable your employees to stay on top of their game. It's a win-win for everyone.
Data Analytics is the practice of using data to drive business strategy and performance. It includes a range of approaches and solutions, from looking backward to evaluate what happened in the past, to looking forward to scenario- planning and predictive modeling.
Whether you need to enhance your existing BI system or create an analytic roadmap to set your strategy, our experienced team can take you where you want to go with diagnostic, predictive and perspective analytical capabilities.
Digital-Edge helps businesses deliver targeted digital solutions and gain full value from digital transformation.
We strive to be more than just technology specialists, we're your trusted advisors, help you leverage new technology to create brilliant analytics solutions.
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